How do I face New Year's Eve in a city where a single case of domestic violence resulted in the mass murder of nine people? This case of violence is but a reflection of what's going on in way too many hearts and homes, not only domestic violence, but loneliness, loss, addiction, and the gazillion ways we beat the shit out of ourselves and each other every moment of every day.
Please let this be the final cry for help, let it be humanity's final call to action. The New Year offers a clean page on which humanity can write a healthy conclusion where people take care of their own and each other's mental, emotional, shitty-life-situational, I-fucked-up,-please-forgive-me, I-can't-take-this-crap-anymore health.
My heart is with the family and friends who have lost their loved ones. My heart is with all families and friends who have ever lost loved ones to murder or suicide. It's incredibly painful. My heart is with the emergency responders and bystanders who bear witness and pain. We are all in it together, and herein lies the hope.
Where there is love there is hope, please feel free to contact me.